How Beneficial is Jamun for Diabetes?

Jamun is not only a powerful anti-oxidant to boost immunity, but also helps in controlling diabetes. 

According to Ayurveda, Jamun increases Vata and balances Kapha & pitta doshas. Therefore, the seeds extracted from Jamun not only help to control diabetes but in addition also prevent the diabetic condition from occurring.  

The presence of some type of chemical in the seeds of Jamun acts as an anti-diabetic and decreases blood sugar. 

What are nutrients present in Jamun?

Jamun is a seasonal fruit with rich nutrients like iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorous, and vitamin C. 

According to the Ayurveda, Jamun is used to tackle various conditions such as malabsorption syndrome, diarrhea, breathing problems, worm infections, etc. In addition, it is also used to deal with diabetes.

Why is Jamun Good for Diabetes?

  1. Jamun slows down the conversion of starch into sugar. Therefore, after having a meal, we experience a spike in blood sugar because starch present in our food gets converted into sugar. It inhibits the enzyme that breaks down starch into sugar and helps to manage blood sugar levels.  
  2. Jamun contains compounds such as Catechin that helps to increase insulin level and protect against long-term complications of diabetes.
  3. Jamun contains alkaloids that convert starch directly to energy instead of sugar, thus reducing symptoms like frequent thirst and urination.
  4. Jamun contains Caffeic acid, which significantly reduces blood sugar levels.
  5. Jamun seeds boost metabolism and detoxification.
  6. The presence of Chlorogenic acid might delay the absorption of glucose in the intestine. 
  7. Jamun powder has an anti-diabetic component like jambolan and jambosine.

Other Benefits of Jamun

  • It helps to improve heart and skin health;
  • The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds might prevent cancer;
  • The presence of vitamin C and iron helps to boost immunity and hemoglobin;
  • They are low in calories, thus are effective for weight loss dist;
  • It helps to aid digestion and gastrointestinal problems;
  • It prevents other conditions like asthma, heart, digestion, arthritis, etc. 
  • Jamun fruit has blood-purifying properties and keeps skin glowing.

Final Words

Jamun has some fantastic benefits for diabetic people. It prevents and manages blood sugar and contains conditions like asthma, heart, digestion, gastrointestinal, etc. 

If you have diabetes, add Jamun fruit, Jamun seeds, or Jamun juice to your regular diet.

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